The software Expert – M is a powerful , reliable and flexible business management system.

Modern technological and organizational approach underlying in the development of Expert – M makes it an appropriate choice for information management of medium and large enterprises , as well as larger holding structures .

The system covers all processes and activities in an enterprise , regardless of their structure , specifics of the organization and activity .



  • The product is completely own development , which gives flexibility in its further development and improvement.
  • Ready solutions for enterprises of various branches.
  • Highly qualified team of economists and developers having practical experience in the development and deployment of the system. Installation , implementation and training is carried out by these professionals , which guarantees fast deadlines for implementation ( usually 1 to 3 months) and the high quality of the final product.
  • Simultaneous operation in several reporting periods . There is no limit for simultaneous operation within a month, several months or even one year.
  • Working in real time – each document is recorded at the time of confirmation by the operator.
  • Time saving – a document is entered once in the system and benefit from all modules repeatedly. Significantly reducing the workload.
  • Rich set of reference information . A powerful report generator with the possibility of grouping , filtering and selection of data information and the preparation of analyzes, graphs and charts .
  • Ability to work through secured internet connection, and the possibility of unification of data from remote workplaces.
  • Import and export data to and from other systems.



The module is designed to automate the process of taking orders from customers for goods and products.
Orders are accepted by phone, mail, fax, online store Magento, XML file.
When the order is approved and confirmed, it automatically generates an invoice.
This module communicates with the modules Sales, Warehouses, Finance.


This module handles all information relating to the supply of inventories, the addition of materials to manufacturing, finished goods and its expedition.
Nomenclature of units the company is expanding to the specifics of the industry with the addition of terminal units for the production of finished goods, storage and processing.
In the module, in user-selected period (day, week, month, year) prepared calculation of the product, which contains complete information on the production of materials and semi-finished products with cost breakdown by item. Material costs are compared with the norm and reported saving or overspending in quantity and value.
Rich set of reports.


This module provides complete tracking and reporting of assets of a company. The module can operate completely independently or in connection with the accounting module. In the second case, the calculation and charging of monthly depreciation automatically.


This module summarizes the information from all other modules and displays the final Aggregate information.
Each accounting document generated account assignment memorial order which contains comprehensive information on synthetic and analytical entries, and entries in the diaries. Each document can be altered or reversed by the user. The possibility of this is determined by the individual access rights.
Supported general ledger, trial balance and a wide range of analytical reports.


This is a highly specialized module that is designed according to the requirements of Ordinance № 3 of the Customs Agency of Bulgaria.
Accept real-time data from control points / Flowmeters, Gauges, Counters / and stores them in a database ERP EXPERT M.
Connection to electronic devices is realized by an established standard – „MODBUS over Ethernet“ TCP / IP.


This module supports the process of human resources management. Contains a rich set of features and details of any record of people in a company.


This module communicates in real time with modules Orders, Inventory Management and Finance.
This module has a possibility of invoicing for the realization of goods and services, as well as invoices for advance payment.
In the module maintain price list for assortments with unlimited number of simultaneous active prices in different currencies.
Supported several price lists – by zone, region, customer groups, customer by objects and Sets.
The module can automatically generate an invoice / Expeditionary Protocol / based on the customer orders.
This module provides a rich set of reports in different sections.
Automation of the process of invoicing option is added using barcode readers and fiscal printers.


Covers all activities of the organization, management and control of production processes in a company.
Based on the described business processes and the settings in the system to monitor the production cycle of a product from the entrance to the exit with all intermediate stages of production.
Automatic calculation of wastage. Automatic or user bases for allocating indirect costs. Transfer the bases for subsequent reporting periods.


Cashier module is designed to automate the activities of the cashier, through the issuance of revenue and expenditure cash orders based on pre-defined models documents and prepare cash book. Cash receipts issued to the system automatically generates a corresponding accounting entry.


This is a highly specialized module, which sets the legal requirements for the Excise Duties and Tax Warehouses according to Bulgarian legislation.


Management of Fiscal printers, Barcode readers, Scanners, Electronic scales.


Payroll module automates the process of formation of wages. Necessary for the operation of the module information is derived from the Human Resources module, individual attendance forms, as well as the additional grounds such as declarations of employees, contracts with external organizations and others.
Access to the system of different user groups is limited as a functional basis and subject to the rights of individual processing units and groups of units.